Jennifer Schlueter is a performance maker based in Columbus, Ohio. With the for/word company: North (59E59, BBC Radio 4), Little Book (Little Theatre, Seattle), Patience Worth (Kranzberg Center, St. Louis). With Available Light Theatre: Bootleg Radio, Don Quixote: A Pilgrimage; Transplant, Southern Cross the Dog, and Wanda, Daisy, & the Great Rapture as part of their Next Stage Initiative, which she coproduced. At Grandstreet Theatre (Helena, MT): Wildwood. At the Cinci Fringe: !ke e: /xarra //ke. At the Columbus Museum of Art: Disparity/Disruption. At the Wexner Center for the Arts: Reimagining Black Mountain. She was the founder and producer of The Lab Series, a student-driven performance research laboratory supporting upwards of 14 works per year, housed at Ohio State University, where...
Jennifer Schlueter is a performance maker based in Columbus, Ohio. With the for/word company: North (59E59, BBC Radio 4), Little Book (Little Theatre, Seattle), Patience Worth (Kranzberg Center, St. Louis). With Available Light Theatre: Bootleg Radio, Don Quixote: A Pilgrimage; Transplant, Southern Cross the Dog, and Wanda, Daisy, & the Great Rapture as part of their Next Stage Initiative, which she coproduced. At Grandstreet Theatre (Helena, MT): Wildwood. At the Cinci Fringe: !ke e: /xarra //ke. At the Columbus Museum of Art: Disparity/Disruption. At the Wexner Center for the Arts: Reimagining Black Mountain. She was the founder and producer of The Lab Series, a student-driven performance research laboratory supporting upwards of 14 works per year, housed at Ohio State University, where she was Associate Professor in their Department of Theatre. Schlueter is now Professor and Dean of Graduate Studies at the Columbus College of Art and Design.