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  • Andrea Aptecker:
    13 Sep. 2022
    This was lovely, so funny and bittersweet and unique. I love the idea of someone getting paid to deliver in-person messages (or rants) to people in the neighborhood, it's so charming and weird. And the idea of having chemistry is masterfully woven throughout the play. This script is special.
  • Dan Caffrey:
    2 Sep. 2022
    So effortlessly sweet, and yet reveals a surprising amount of depth by the end without losing its charm. There's something refreshing about watching a conversation between two strangers build and build and build until it's asking meaningful questions about romance, physical affection, and yes, science.
  • Samantha Marchant:
    19 Aug. 2022
    I learned a lot from this script. About people, love and chemistry. I greatly enjoyed the short amount of time I got to spend with Thad and Jo-Jo.
  • Rachael Carnes:
    14 Aug. 2022
    Gah! I love these two characters *so much*!! Holbrook's dialogue bobs and weaves in and out of such touching, tender places with ease, taking us on a wash-dry-fold journey that feels real-not real in the perfect way that eavesdropping in a crowd can reveal philosopher kings. A charming revelation.
  • Alexander Perez:
    28 Apr. 2022
    An irresistibly charming comedy that feels like hanging out with a best friend you just met. Holbrook spins colloquial yarns of love, loss, yearning, and hope by way of two of the most likeable characters I've ever had the pleasure of reading.
  • Doug DeVita:
    4 May. 2020
    Short, sweet, and totally winning, this play lingers in the mind and heart long after having been read. Both characters are delightful, and together they create a memorable, non-sexual chemistry that drives the work forward with a wonderfully loopy, but sincere energy. I'd love to see this staged.
  • Paco José Madden:
    27 Apr. 2020
    A play about love, connection, chemistry and difference. JoJo is an asexual messenger of bad news with a message from dumpee to dumper. But she meets the wrong guy. Nevertheless, the new guy has a message of love of his own that needs delievery. Chemistry is a heartfelt dramedy. Plus, you find out about the chemicals in Tide. 4.5 out of 5 stars!
  • Cheryl Bear:
    23 Mar. 2020
    A beautiful play about natural connections and chemistry, so sweet. Love!
  • Paul Donnelly:
    11 Feb. 2020
    How refreshing to find a play in which two characters have a sudden chemistry that isn't sexual. The bond between JoJo and Thad is sweet, but not saccharine. Jojo's interest in the science of chemistry provides an amusing counterpoint to the range of interpersonal chemistry experienced and discussed by the characters.
  • Keenya Jackson:
    17 Sep. 2019
    After reading this, I just really hope that the character Jojo finds someone to cuddle with. The friendship between Thad and JoJo unfolds quickly, but naturally. Great story about love.
