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  • Glenn Alterman:
    21 Jan. 2024
    Who’d ever think a monologue delivered by a pet rabbit could be so touching, painful and relatable? Jennifer O’Grady’s beautiful monologue CAGE, is poignant, painful and truthful. Some really lovely writing. Read it, you’ll be glad you did.
  • Glen Dickson:
    14 May. 2020
    Caged is a sharply crafted piece. Very apt under these surreal lock down conditions as we all come to terms with our own house arrest.
    Dark and surprisingly comic. A perfect monologue to entertain and disturb. Loved it.
  • Cheryl Bear:
    2 Jul. 2019
    How we treat our animals should disturb us but it doesn't seem to. Empathy comes from understanding and O'Grady brilliantly succeeds at that once again.
  • Emily Hageman:
    25 Jun. 2019
    A striking, surprisingly dark piece. It's funny until it isn't any more--and then, it's downright frightening. O'Grady does a marvelous thing in helping us to feel empathy for a living creature that isn't human, but is still alive--and trapped. And then, you start thinking about the cages we lock ourselves in--addiction, bad relationships, etc--and you think about how you can tell yourself "it's not so bad, it's okay, I get by, it's fine." This is a deeply layered, wonderfully written piece from a deeply layered and wonderful playwright. Read O'Grady NOW.
  • Stephen Graff:
    4 May. 2019
    Just when you think you’re reading—or if in the seats of a theater, watching—a monologue about the ruminations of a pet rabbit, you are treated to a meditation on what it feels like to be in a cage, of any type or sort. The word “run” in the context of this play, is anything but playful or whimsical.
  • Asher Wyndham:
    10 Feb. 2019
    This play has a furry-tale but don't dismiss it as slight or cute. Makes you think about the domesticated life of our own pets but also those belonging to others, in homes and farms. Are we denying these furry creatures a sense of freedom? What would we be thinking if we were in the cage like them? This and her other notable monologues from the perspective of animals would make for an exciting addition to any festival on animals and animal rights. Check it out.
  • Everett Robert:
    3 Feb. 2019
    Wow. I'm not even sure what to say to this but wow. Jennifer O'Grady has crafted a beautifully sweet tale in two short pages that is also tragic, that reminds us to run. That while we are the captors now, one day we could be the captives. To take care, to be gentle, and loving and playful. A beautiful, wonderful monologue.
  • Matthew Weaver:
    3 Feb. 2019
    O'Grady offers a wonderful tale tinged with sadness. Thumper the rabbit shares the experiences of their life with us - mostly good, safe from predators, but there's also that sense of what pure, wild freedom would feel like. It's short, but there's so much meaning beneath Thumper's words. Thumper does their best to look on the bright side, but O'Grady boldly shows us how their heart is quietly breaking. And quietly breaks our hearts right alongside.