As a horror fan, I enjoyed this theatrical horror comedy! Shimano establishes the given circumstances of the universe from the outset in a visceral and hilarious opening scene, introducing us to several dynamic characters. The story pivots in the second act the way that unique and cerebral genre-bending horror (a la "Cabin the Woods") does to help illustrate his broader points about loneliness, love, and connection. It would be a blast to see this engaging theatrical world realized onstage.
As a horror fan, I enjoyed this theatrical horror comedy! Shimano establishes the given circumstances of the universe from the outset in a visceral and hilarious opening scene, introducing us to several dynamic characters. The story pivots in the second act the way that unique and cerebral genre-bending horror (a la "Cabin the Woods") does to help illustrate his broader points about loneliness, love, and connection. It would be a blast to see this engaging theatrical world realized onstage.