"Gun Story" by Karen Saari is an incredibly powerful play that fearlessly delves into the topic of gun violence while exploring the dynamics between two parents. Saari captures the raw authenticity of their emotional journey, from the shared struggles of raising teenagers to the shocking revelation of a gun-related "joke" that threatens their newfound connection. With a perfect balance of humor and vulnerability, the play prompts deep reflection on the consequences of our actions and words. "Gun Story" is a compelling and thought-provoking choice for any festival, inviting audiences to engage...
"Gun Story" by Karen Saari is an incredibly powerful play that fearlessly delves into the topic of gun violence while exploring the dynamics between two parents. Saari captures the raw authenticity of their emotional journey, from the shared struggles of raising teenagers to the shocking revelation of a gun-related "joke" that threatens their newfound connection. With a perfect balance of humor and vulnerability, the play prompts deep reflection on the consequences of our actions and words. "Gun Story" is a compelling and thought-provoking choice for any festival, inviting audiences to engage in meaningful conversations