Tight (Haha Nice)

by Rebecca Kane

1/3 modern romcom. 1/3 what they didn’t teach you in sex ed. 1/3 kegel jokes.

“Vaginismus is a condition where the muscles surrounding the entrance to the vagina involuntarily tighten, making penetration impossible or painfully uncomfortable.”
To you, this might be a collection of words you’re not used to reading, much less saying out loud. To Vaginismus.com, it’s a tagline, a preview of a deeper (pardon the...

1/3 modern romcom. 1/3 what they didn’t teach you in sex ed. 1/3 kegel jokes.

“Vaginismus is a condition where the muscles surrounding the entrance to the vagina involuntarily tighten, making penetration impossible or painfully uncomfortable.”
To you, this might be a collection of words you’re not used to reading, much less saying out loud. To Vaginismus.com, it’s a tagline, a preview of a deeper (pardon the pun) issue. To some women, it’s a very real obstacle to intimacy, in every sense of the word. To this play’s protagonist, it’s just a challenge.

Brooke has just been given a diagnosis she views as dooming her to a lifetime of painful sex. She’s determined to overcome it, using awkward conversations, dating apps, sex toys, friends with benefits, and an obscene amount of that free lube from Planned Parenthood. It may hurt her every step of the way, but hey! At least she’s getting laid, right?

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Tight (Haha Nice)

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  • Shaun Leisher: Tight (Haha Nice)

    I absoulutely adored this play!! Not only is the subject matter unlike anything I've seen depicted onstage but I don't think I've ever seen a character like Brooke onstage before. A character that is so in control of her body. We need more characters like this. Great theatre has a duty to shine a light on stories that are too often pushed into the shadows. Its should be a place where people can see themselves reflected and know they are not alone. This play is really great theatre.

    I absoulutely adored this play!! Not only is the subject matter unlike anything I've seen depicted onstage but I don't think I've ever seen a character like Brooke onstage before. A character that is so in control of her body. We need more characters like this. Great theatre has a duty to shine a light on stories that are too often pushed into the shadows. Its should be a place where people can see themselves reflected and know they are not alone. This play is really great theatre.

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization The Broadway Book Club, Year 2021
  • Type Residency, Organization Rogue Theatre Festival, Year 2021
  • Type Reading, Organization The Tank NYC, Year 2020

Production History

  • Type Fringe, Organization DigiFringe (Orlando International Fringe Festival), Year 2021
  • Type University, Organization White Mouse Productions, Year 2022


  • Curious Creators Grant
    Curious Elixirs
  • PlayFest 2022
    Orlando Shakespeare Theater