Erik Champney

Erik Champney


  • Pangaea
    It’s all a bit messy. Georgie is having therapy because of The Thing he did when Ross broke up with him. Now Ross is fucking the therapist’s son. Because Ross doesn’t answer to anyone. Set during one unforgettable winter, PANGAEA is a thrilling and insightful new play about stumbling teenagers, flailing adults, and the terror of being defined by the people who want to love us.
  • The Screens
    When a patient in a psychiatric hospital engages with an unfamiliar visitor, he realizes the two might share a frightening connection.

Recommended by Erik Champney

  • Personhood
    18 Mar. 2020
    Who are we....really? What is connection? Can roommates be such strangers they have no idea what the other looks like? Who is hiding in our walls watching every move we make? This is a play about our fading identities, what remaining pieces of ourselves we project onto other people, the absence of self worth, terrifying electronics, and by God it’s clever. Also disturbing, even gut wrenching, but Max finds an extraordinary balance. What’s bleak is funny. What’s funny is bleak. Threaded through it all is poetry and truth about who I hope we don’t become.
  • Maybe Tomorrow
    18 Mar. 2020
    MAYBE TOMORROW pretends to be a slice of life, examining a marriage deeply affected by agoraphobia. But this is a Max Mondi play, so his heroine isn’t simply hiding from the world. She’s taken up residence in the bathroom, so distanced from everything in her former life, she begins to question if her baby, just outside the door (or is it?) even exists. Dark stuff on the surface, but Max’s characters gravitate between joy, wonder, and desperation. It’s impossible not to be fascinated by their bittersweet war with disintegrating reality. Hilarious. Profound. Read it.