Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

I’m interested in language and image and mythology; I’m interested in words woven with active visuals that galvanize or change meaning; I’m interested in revisiting the past and superimposing it onto present understanding. I’m interested in reflection and how regret informs behavior and action. I’m interested in the politics of family and intimacy.
My work is language driven, language that is theatrical and lyrical and dark and unexpected. Humor is my default setting; I find I can go most anywhere no matter how morose if I lead with a little humor. Using myth as a springboard/playground to explore and tell a story fascinates me. Form and theatricality excite me. I’m so lucky to have ongoing and purposeful collaborations with musicians, actors, directors, UT students, and marvelous playwrights in Austin and Seattle; they have all pushed and pulled me in new directions, broken open my thinking and been incredibly supportive.