Recommended by Everett Robert

  • Cage
    3 Feb. 2019
    Wow. I'm not even sure what to say to this but wow. Jennifer O'Grady has crafted a beautifully sweet tale in two short pages that is also tragic, that reminds us to run. That while we are the captors now, one day we could be the captives. To take care, to be gentle, and loving and playful. A beautiful, wonderful monologue.
  • Uncomplicated Bereavement
    25 Jan. 2019
    Everyone deals with grief differently and when we deal with our grief, we remember not just the good things but the bad as well. We remember the moments of laughter but also the hurts and the weird quirks. Scott Sickles examines how people deal with death in this wickedly funny play. I can't recommend this enough. A great piece.
    24 Jan. 2019
    Another example of why Rachael Carnes is at the top of her game when it comes to short, social issue plays. SHe cuts past all the gaga to get to the heart and the reality that thee characters face. In Permission, she tackles the all important concerns of sexual assault and how generations deal with this. Emma and Alice are full drawn out, realistic characters who are love each other and are at odds with each other at the same time. A great, highly recommended play.
  • What Love Must Be
    24 Jan. 2019
    What we think we are seeing is not always the full picture and how people deal with cheating is different for everyone. What Franky Gonzalez has crafted is a brief glimpse into the relationship between two very different people who are questioning the decisions they have made and yet they keep coming back to each other. Brilliant, surreal, and real. Highly recommended.
  • Last Exit
    24 Jan. 2019
    The last exit can be our last chance to stop or the last place before making a new start. That's what we see in this emotional gut wrenching but beautiful play. The Last Exit tells the story of Arnold and Malcolm as they reach the end of their relationship but at the start of a new life. We don't see what happened from meet cute to breaking point (although we hear about it) but we feel the after shocks. An honest look at the way relationships sometimes go. Highly recommended.
    3 Dec. 2018
    Scott Mullen's PINATA might be one of the funniest plays I've read in a long time. A combination of mining comedy out of a real life situation, word play, and physical comedy, the play crackles with fun and energy. Each of these characters bring their own sense of joy, pathos, wants and desires to the page. Each is a realistic character but dipping their toe in the absurd. A wonderful play.
  • Marcie and Patty Are Getting Married
    3 Dec. 2018
    MARCIE AND PATTY ARE GETTING MARRIED is a sweet, short play. A wonderfully comedy set 30 minutes before the titular wedding where things (literally) start unraveling. I smiled and laughed from beginning to end. Mazel Tov and Cheers Marcie and Patty and to writer Hilary Bluestein-Lyons.
  • LITTLE WOMEN...NOW (90-minute cut available under "script sample"!)
    3 Dec. 2018
    Days after performing a traditional adaptation of Louise May Alcott's classic, I stumbled upon Donna Hoke's wonderful modern day re-imagining. Hoke manages to keep all the timeless troupes we love about Little Women while making it timeless. Meg is still Meg, Jo is still Jo, Beth is still Beth and Amy is still Amy, but there are modern twists (some expected, some not) and changes that are absolutely delightful.
  • Ms. Claus
    1 Dec. 2018
    Santa by Selection Committee is such a wonderful concept that I'm surprised we haven't seen it before. I've seen Santa picked by putting on his hat, I've seen Kris become Santa by being rescued by elves, I've even seen a baby grow up to be Santa, but I've never seen the Santa application and interview process. Add in a plucky, funny, immensely qualified woman named Tina in the process and you have what is sure to be a Holiday classic. Welcome aboard Ms. Claus
    23 Nov. 2018
    The holidays can be tragic. While everyone else is revealing, there are always those who just can't seem to get into the holiday spirit. Rachael Carnes dips into this area of tragedy in her delightfully funny play. Imagine the infamous Aristocrats joke, but at Christmas, with one layer of tragedy compounding upon another upon another upon another. A delightfully dark read
