Recommended by Alina Rios

    2 Feb. 2022
    We really feel for Camilla. She's a mustard-covered ham-wielding blabbering mess, and yet how close are we all these days to feeling this way?! Great ending. Would love to see this on its feet, mustard mess and all.
    30 Jan. 2022
    This hit home of course. Love the note about the Time being now but hopefully not forever. Love the note about the breaking of the dishes. This would be brilliant to see on!
    2 Sep. 2019
    Loved this surprising play! It has undertones of The Dumb Waiter and while absurdist, the relationship between two men is anything but. I can't wait to see this one on its feet. Great parts of men in this one with many potential layers.
  • Only Human
    7 Feb. 2019
    So much humanity in this moving monologue! It takes us on an emotional journey filled with warmth, humor, and a realization of our limitations. It addresses two very current issues: gun violence and humanity of catholic priests. Beautiful!
  • Gun Play
    28 Jan. 2019
    This is a beautifully architected, timely, stunning piece.
    17 Jan. 2019
    This short but powerful play left me speechless. Ever since I read it, it's been quietly burning a hole in my heart. I would love to see this staged. The fact that it's set in 1787 does not diminish its relevance and urgency. Read it, stage it!
    16 Jan. 2019
    This is a song of loss, beautiful in its minor keys. And then end buries deep into your heart and sits there aching.