Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

Where I come from, I am the last of a dying middle class. I write for those lost voices. I write the choices that gritty people make for themselves, their families, and their communities every day. Writing to me is a service to the people I know, the people I’ve loved, and the people I don’t understand yet.

In the last three years, I have created two major works and several ten to twenty-minute pieces. Those works grapple with harsh rural living, small city issues in the United States, and powerful working-class characters who break through their social status quo. My characters aren’t fake, their illnesses, their financial crisis, their dreams of escaping and overcoming are based on real people I've come to know if even for a short moment of my life.

My art is not merely reflective, it is epic like life, it is harsh like life, and it is crafted to open up dialogues between strangers as much as friends. My art is confrontational because I spent my growing years watching loving people work their entire lives to still be buried in financial ruin. My calling as an artist is to tease out the blatant contradictions of that reality.

In investigating economic problems, I uncover the roots of social disparity in American Communities people are prone to forget. My life’s goal, with my body of work that I have started, is to bridge the gap between the top and the bottom of the socio-economic ladder, fold it over like a piece of paper, and stick my pen through it.