Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

As a Mother-Artist I have learned: mothers have stories that need to be told by ourselves. But when you’re in the sticky thick of mothering, nothing is harder than finding time to record that experience. We’re so exhausted that storytelling is left in the hands of others who are not mothers. Others who get it so wrong, who cast us in their narratives as subsidiary characters, supports, stereotypes.

I want to create a body of work about motherhood. I'm interested in the ugly, messy realities of parenthood that don't get discussed at dinner parties, as well as the impossibly sublime journey of getting to watch a tiny person as they grow. I'm interested in the rage, the guilt, the fear and the joy - all together, all at once, all the time.

My vision is to write the motherhood journey in real time as I experience it. I want to write aggressively into my fears. I want to write aggressively into my guilt. I want to write free, luminous, joyful plays of uncompromising theatricality that serve as a dare to collaborators. I want to write American Motherhood today onto stages across this country so that the plight and the strength of mothers – our rage, our guilt, our fear and our joy – cannot be ignored.