Recommended by Liam Fitzgerald

    19 Feb. 2020
    This play is tender, loving, and beautifully delicate. I love how it avoids any capital D dramatic plotting and allows us to soak in the emotional depths of these character's every day struggles. It's amazing to see such emotionally complex characters fight against such relatable self-sabotage. Also when the phone couldn't read Robbie's number I did in fact say "No!" loud enough for the person next to me to get a little freaked out. Good work.
  • The Curse of Giles Corey
    11 Jun. 2019
    This play takes a hilarious and chilling look at the nature of policing in America, and tries to uncover if brutality is a bug or a feature.
  • Kindred
    10 Jun. 2019
    A tight, clean, and heartfelt play.
    It is deadly serious and deeply moving.
  • They Could Give No Name
    10 Jun. 2019
    A dark and magical look at the battle for life, identity, and our obligation to the dead.
    It's a crazy ride that will stick in your head for weeks.
  • Slowpoke
    10 Jun. 2019
    A chilling and hilarious look at codependency and the struggle of the individual against how society wants to see them.
  • Cruisefix
    10 Jun. 2019
    This play is bonkers in the best possible way.
    An intriguing and intimate look at what it means to be at war with your own sexuality.
  • Rules of a Closed Door
    22 Feb. 2019
    A disturbingly intimate look at how trauma shapes our lives, to the point that we aren't even sure where the trauma ends and we begin.