Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

Ghost in the House: A meditation on the life and times of Jack Johnson, a new play written by Ernie Hudson and Frank Megna
Production Note: Integrated into the play are various media including: historical videos and archival photographs, filmed reenactments, assorted graphics, newspaper headlines, both prerecorded period music (and live music played by “The Wraith), sound effects, court voiceovers from actual trial transcripts and letters written by the characters both actual and imagined. All this material has been recorded and is available as a QLab file.
Why is Jack Johnson an important figure in American History?
His story is a prime example of self-reliance and individuality. It is the quintessential American story.
Jack Johnson possessed gifts and talents that went way beyond being a prize fighter. He was a musician, raconteur, entertainer, horse jockey, bullfighter, inventor, race car driver and secret agent during World War I. He was an infamous Lothario who flaunted his flashy lifestyle in the face of contemporary mores. Jack Johnson was the catalyst for celebrations, condemnations, deadly riots and outrage from all sides of the racial divide. He was also the most famous Black man in the world while being one of the most misunderstood. And for the most part, he has been both ignored and forgotten by history.