by Donna Hoke

In 1986, Nancy is a sheltered high school girl who lives under the thumb of an overprotective and domineering father, a widower paralyzed by grief. On the first day at her new school, Nancy is befriended by Brett, who, despite being friendly, funny, and charming doesn't seem to have many friends himself. If Nancy suspects the reason, well, she doesn't acknowledge it, at least not until the school bullies make it...

In 1986, Nancy is a sheltered high school girl who lives under the thumb of an overprotective and domineering father, a widower paralyzed by grief. On the first day at her new school, Nancy is befriended by Brett, who, despite being friendly, funny, and charming doesn't seem to have many friends himself. If Nancy suspects the reason, well, she doesn't acknowledge it, at least not until the school bullies make it clear that if she thinks Brett's a romantic prospect, she's got another thing coming. Terrified, Nancy runs home, leaving Brett to fend for himself to harmful result.

Fast forward 25 years when Nancy, married to the controlling Kirk, is confronted by another bully--her son, Rex. When Rex's gay schoolmate hangs himself after being bullied, Nancy is finally forced to examine the fear that has held her hostage or risk repeating history with her infant son

This play is the winner of the 2014 Todd McNerney National Playwriting Contest, the Naatak National Playwriting Contest, and the 2015 Great Gay Play and Musical Contest. It was also a finalist in T. Schreiber New Works, and a semi-finalist in the 37th Bay Area Playwrights Festival and nuVoices at Actors Theatre of Charlotte.

See photos, trailer, and mini-doc here:

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  • Nick Malakhow: SAFE

    What a beautifully-constructed play that makes such excellent and poignant use of double-casting. I loved how repeated gestures/tics were employed across generations. Donna Hoke explores homophobia and other kinds of prejudice, societal structures that keep us in cycles of oppression, and redemption in a briskly-moving 90-or-so minutes! I appreciated the way the play wound back and forth through time, yet always felt as if it was structurally moving forward at a steady clip. Hoke has rendered some very three-dimensional and vividly-realized characters here. The final stage image is gorgeous...

    What a beautifully-constructed play that makes such excellent and poignant use of double-casting. I loved how repeated gestures/tics were employed across generations. Donna Hoke explores homophobia and other kinds of prejudice, societal structures that keep us in cycles of oppression, and redemption in a briskly-moving 90-or-so minutes! I appreciated the way the play wound back and forth through time, yet always felt as if it was structurally moving forward at a steady clip. Hoke has rendered some very three-dimensional and vividly-realized characters here. The final stage image is gorgeous and well-earned. I'd love to see a production!

  • Doug DeVita: SAFE

    Powerful, gut-wrenching look at homophobia and bullying, and what has, and more importantly, has not changed in 30 years. What makes it even more touching is how it’s told through the memories of one person, and how she reacts to what she did, and didn’t, do at two key stages in her life. Compelling dialogue, seamless time shifts, and recognizably human characters make “Safe” a worthy addition to the LGBTQ canon.

    Powerful, gut-wrenching look at homophobia and bullying, and what has, and more importantly, has not changed in 30 years. What makes it even more touching is how it’s told through the memories of one person, and how she reacts to what she did, and didn’t, do at two key stages in her life. Compelling dialogue, seamless time shifts, and recognizably human characters make “Safe” a worthy addition to the LGBTQ canon.

  • Siegmund Fuchs: SAFE

    SAFE is a great piece about homophobia and bullying, leading up to a wonderful and haunting climax that is both theatrical and dialogue-driven. SAFE would be a great pick for a queer festival or for Pride Month.

    SAFE is a great piece about homophobia and bullying, leading up to a wonderful and haunting climax that is both theatrical and dialogue-driven. SAFE would be a great pick for a queer festival or for Pride Month.

View all 7 recommendations

Character Information

CASTING: Homophobia and prejudice exist across cultures and races. As such, I encourage diversity in casting with one condition: ALL roles must be cast within the same race so as not to provoke questions of prejudice that are not within the purview of this play. I am happy to work with directors to make cultural changes that will help this play better resonate with these casting choices.

  • Rex/Ace
    1986: Ace, high school boy
    2011: Rex, high school senior
    Character Age
    Character Gender Identity
  • Younger Nancy/Older Nancy
    1986, high school junior/2011, Rex’s mother
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Brett/Todd
    BRETT: 1986. High school junior
    TODD: 2011. High school sophomore
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Kirk/Tom
    1986: TOM: Nancy's father
    2011. KIRK: Nancy’s husband, Rex’s father
    This actor also plays Jimmy/Rich:
    JIMMY: 1986. High school boy
    RICH: 2011. High school boy
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Officer Vivek/Kathy
    Officer Vivek in 1986, Kathy in 2011
    Character Age
    Character Gender Identity
  • Optional sixth actor: Jimmy/Rich
    OPTIONAL SIXTH ACTOR: If you find yourself unable to find an actor capable of Kirk’s quadruple casting, or even if you just wish to add an actor, the roles of Jimmy/Rich may be cast separately.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization Winner, Great Gay Play and Musical Contest , Year 2015
  • Type Workshop, Organization Winner, Naatak Playwriting Contest , Year 2015
  • Type Reading, Organization Piccolo Spoleto Festival/Todd McNerney Winner, Year 2014
  • Type Reading, Organization Road Less Traveled Productions, Year 2013

Production History

  • Type Professional, Organization Queer Theatre Kalamazoo, Year 2016
  • Type Professional, Organization Road Less Traveled Productions, Year 2016
  • Type University, Organization Saginaw Valley State University, Year 2015


  • Gwen Frostic Reading Playwright
    Western Michigan University
  • Great Gay Play and Musical Contest
    Pride Films and Plays
  • Naatak National Playwriting Contest
    Naatak Theatre
  • Todd McNerney National Playwriting Contest
    College of Charleston
  • nuVoices
    Actors Theatre of Charlotte
  • T. Schreiber New Works
    T. Schreiber Studio
  • Bay Area Playwrights Festival
    Playwrights Foundation