An ingenious piece, full of wit, heart, and more than a little poignance. How many plays have you read or seen that can be performed/read backward as well as forward -- and have an impact either way? But this is far more than just clever structuring. There's a story about real people and real hurts and joys, no matter what order you take it in. Simple to stage, packed with fat roles for actors, and a lot to think about after you reach either end. Quite an achievement!
An ingenious piece, full of wit, heart, and more than a little poignance. How many plays have you read or seen that can be performed/read backward as well as forward -- and have an impact either way? But this is far more than just clever structuring. There's a story about real people and real hurts and joys, no matter what order you take it in. Simple to stage, packed with fat roles for actors, and a lot to think about after you reach either end. Quite an achievement!