Evening With Stephen Crane

by Phil Paradis

One-man show. 50-70 min. Experience The Red Badge of Courage author’s humor and charm. Hear Stephen Crane's remarkable tales of shipwreck, Teddy Roosevelt and The Rough Riders, his life as a journalist, poet, novelist, and war correspondent. Learn how Crane became an early champion of Women’s Rights. Meet the man who inspired Ernest Hemingway and the “Lost Generation.”

Time: August, 1899 Place: Crane...

One-man show. 50-70 min. Experience The Red Badge of Courage author’s humor and charm. Hear Stephen Crane's remarkable tales of shipwreck, Teddy Roosevelt and The Rough Riders, his life as a journalist, poet, novelist, and war correspondent. Learn how Crane became an early champion of Women’s Rights. Meet the man who inspired Ernest Hemingway and the “Lost Generation.”

Time: August, 1899 Place: Crane home at Brede Place, Sussex, England

On this evening, Stephen Crane’s wife Cora has invited Americans traveling abroad to meet the American hero and famous author of The Red Badge of Courage. Although usually reserved, Crane interrupts his work and entertains guests with stories about The Red Badge of Courage, Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, the Dora Clark Affair, as well as about his family, education, and literary career. Illuminating his life and times, Crane, the international celebrity, renowned novelist, poet, journalist, and war correspondent, reveals the humor, wit, and charm that made him famous and beloved among friends and contemporaries.

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Evening With Stephen Crane

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization Zappa Studios, Year 2015
  • Type Reading, Organization Actor's & Playwrights Collaborative, Year 2014
  • Type Reading, Organization Howling Wolf Actor Studio, Year 2013

Production History

  • Type Workshop, Organization Desotelle Nubox Theatre, Year 2018
  • Type Workshop, Organization Manhattan Repertory Theatre, Year 2018
  • Type Workshop, Organization Falcon Theatre's Cincinnati LAB Theatre, Year 2016