by Emma Goldman-Sherman

FULL LENGTH Daryl Roth calls it, "a smart and searing look at gender in our culture." Cum and See - LIVE GIRLS in Pop-Soil! WHORTICULTURE is an unflinching look at 3 girls coming of age in a toxic culture. With narrative and spoken word, this all-female feminist play exposes and stands up against our racialized misogynist world.

FULL LENGTH Daryl Roth calls it, "a smart and searing look at gender in our culture." Cum and See - LIVE GIRLS in Pop-Soil! WHORTICULTURE is an unflinching look at 3 girls coming of age in a toxic culture. With narrative and spoken word, this all-female feminist play exposes and stands up against our racialized misogynist world.

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Recommended by

  • Ryan M. Bultrowicz: WHORTICULTURE

    The insightful genius of Emma Goldman-Sherman is on full display here, as they carefully navigate the complexities of various issues society is in conversation with - such as gender and sexuality. A wonderful play that, ultimately, highlights the corrosive impact patriarchal norms have on individual's lives. I also love the style in which this is written, I hope to see it produced one day! In the meantime, give this a read!

    The insightful genius of Emma Goldman-Sherman is on full display here, as they carefully navigate the complexities of various issues society is in conversation with - such as gender and sexuality. A wonderful play that, ultimately, highlights the corrosive impact patriarchal norms have on individual's lives. I also love the style in which this is written, I hope to see it produced one day! In the meantime, give this a read!

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: WHORTICULTURE

    Power, that for me was the central element of this very cleverly written piece that analyses what it is to be a woman. The three very different and wonderfully created characters all present the piece as the audience are privileged enough to witness it. For me its a piece that will and should inspire lots of debate amongst its audience. Performances of this piece would play a crucial part in what has become our expectations of gender. Its a play that speaks volumes on society, gender and, for me, is perfectly captured in the ending poem.

    Power, that for me was the central element of this very cleverly written piece that analyses what it is to be a woman. The three very different and wonderfully created characters all present the piece as the audience are privileged enough to witness it. For me its a piece that will and should inspire lots of debate amongst its audience. Performances of this piece would play a crucial part in what has become our expectations of gender. Its a play that speaks volumes on society, gender and, for me, is perfectly captured in the ending poem.


    I was fortunate to see a reading of this difficult yet imperative play about coming of age within a white patriarchy. The three characters present three unique experiences that also effectively overlap. This is the kind of play that can have as much impact on the artists producing it as it can for an audience experiencing it. We keep hearing that theaters want women's voices...Emma has an important voice that resonates for many women. The time has come for this play to see a full production.

    I was fortunate to see a reading of this difficult yet imperative play about coming of age within a white patriarchy. The three characters present three unique experiences that also effectively overlap. This is the kind of play that can have as much impact on the artists producing it as it can for an audience experiencing it. We keep hearing that theaters want women's voices...Emma has an important voice that resonates for many women. The time has come for this play to see a full production.

View all 25 recommendations

Character Information

THE CAST should be able to climb on/hang from a jungle gym, do some gymnastics (or flub it), rap and play POISONOUS FLOWERS (bigger, more intense versions of themselves in full performing mode) and OTHERS as noted. They should not be cast under adult age, and they should not be cast as if they are really 8-20s - this is not Realism nor is it meant to be. It's also not meant to be salacious. Large fully grown women are awesome!
    BELLA(DONNA) is absolutely in love with INDI, and as a young girl, SHE is fairy-like and sweet. She is overweight and all body, loyal, she wants to focus on all things positive. Fears her own darkness. African-American. Also plays RILEY. Played by an adult. THE CAST should be able to climb on/hang from a jungle gym, do some gymnastics (or flub it), rap and play POISONOUS FLOWERS (bigger, more intense versions of themselves in full performing mode) and OTHERS as noted.

    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    African American
    Character Gender Identity
  • LARK
    LARK(SPUR) KIM - The smart one. RAPPER. BOLD. She can really change the world with the tools she is developing as a researcher. A match for INDI. LARK’s face is disfigured for most of the play and then is not, and this transformation happens onstage. Played by an adult. THE CAST should be able to climb on/hang from a jungle gym, do some gymnastics (or flub it), rap and play POISONOUS FLOWERS (bigger, more intense versions of themselves in full performing mode) and OTHERS as noted.

    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Asian American
    Character Gender Identity
    Female or Non-binary
  • INDI
    INDI(GO) is the leader. Slightly more mature by about ten months, the kind of girl other girls want to follow. White and Blonde. Also plays MIA, 20s. Played by an adult. THE CAST
    should be able to climb on/hang from a jungle gym, do some gymnastics (or flub it), rap and play POISONOUS FLOWERS (bigger, more intense versions of themselves in full performing mode) and OTHERS as noted.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization 29th Street Playwrights Collective, Year 2017
  • Type Workshop, Organization Dixon Place, Year 2017

Production History

  • Type Professional, Organization CyberTank (The Tank NYC) will stream Quarantine Players' video-reading , Year 2021


  • Campfire Festival
  • shortlisted
  • shortlisted
    Owl and Cat, Melbourne