by Rita Anderson

In the summer of 1969, three generations of seemingly ordinary women begin to uncover secrets about themselves even as the extraordinary events of the Apollo 11 mission unfold overhead. With space flight on their minds, five women struggle to break free of the expectations and obstacles that confront them on earth. It will take every ounce of courage they have to bust through the atmosphere that contains them....

In the summer of 1969, three generations of seemingly ordinary women begin to uncover secrets about themselves even as the extraordinary events of the Apollo 11 mission unfold overhead. With space flight on their minds, five women struggle to break free of the expectations and obstacles that confront them on earth. It will take every ounce of courage they have to bust through the atmosphere that contains them.

GLIDERS is a magical exploration of what it feels like to be lost in space in a changing world as the cast “glides” into and out of reality--and the present. “(S)he who does not know history is condemned to repeat it.”

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  • Cheryl Bear: GLIDERS

    A riveting look inside the lives of women struggling to free themselves as a flight to space takes place. Revealing and well done.

    A riveting look inside the lives of women struggling to free themselves as a flight to space takes place. Revealing and well done.

  • Max Langert: GLIDERS

    Rita Anderson has a talent for illuminating characters, cranking the lights up so that we care about them more and more as new layers are revealed. Gliders is a great example of this as we’re invited in to join a family of seemingly ordinary women. Just as space exploration reaches new heights, we’re drawn into the family’s emotional truths. The characters break their own new ground -- proving just how exceptional they are -- right as astronauts are landing on the surface of the moon. It’s a satisfying and rich exploration of life and relationships.

    Rita Anderson has a talent for illuminating characters, cranking the lights up so that we care about them more and more as new layers are revealed. Gliders is a great example of this as we’re invited in to join a family of seemingly ordinary women. Just as space exploration reaches new heights, we’re drawn into the family’s emotional truths. The characters break their own new ground -- proving just how exceptional they are -- right as astronauts are landing on the surface of the moon. It’s a satisfying and rich exploration of life and relationships.

  • Allan Baker: GLIDERS

    I loved this play. WWII glider pilots and the Apollo 11 astronauts are a wonderful symbol of what this story is about...courage. The characters are well wrought and presented. The dramatic momentum of the story sweeps, accelerating, to a well-deserved and most satisfying conclusion. On stage, it will engage, then seduce and finally enthrall the audience. I look forward to seeing a production of this play.

    I loved this play. WWII glider pilots and the Apollo 11 astronauts are a wonderful symbol of what this story is about...courage. The characters are well wrought and presented. The dramatic momentum of the story sweeps, accelerating, to a well-deserved and most satisfying conclusion. On stage, it will engage, then seduce and finally enthrall the audience. I look forward to seeing a production of this play.

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization James Madison University School of Theatre and Dance, Year 2017
  • Type Workshop, Organization WIT (Women in Theatre) Salon & Staged Reading. (Cincinnati), Year 2015

Production History

  • Type Community Theater, Organization Different Stages Theatre, Year 2020


    B. Iden Payne Arts Council (BIPAC) Awards