by Sam Hamashima

Rated PG. Shiyoko left the Japanese American Concentration Camps a long time ago , or so she thought. Faced with questions from a curious grandson, Shiyoko's world becomes both what had happened and what was wanted. Past and present become one landscape for this anime adventure as enemies are revealed, companions are found, trauma is unpacked, and what was only thought becomes (un)spoken word. A poetic...

Rated PG. Shiyoko left the Japanese American Concentration Camps a long time ago , or so she thought. Faced with questions from a curious grandson, Shiyoko's world becomes both what had happened and what was wanted. Past and present become one landscape for this anime adventure as enemies are revealed, companions are found, trauma is unpacked, and what was only thought becomes (un)spoken word. A poetic impression from the Yonsei perspective, Supposed Home brings a new piece of the puzzle that is the Japanese American experience.

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  • Wenke Coco Huang: SUPPOSED HOME

    A fantastical, cut-throat interrogation of Japanese Americans' identity formation. Plentiful alienation devices heighten multiple dualities: trauma vs its aftermath, memory vs amnesia, fantasy vs reality, American vs Japanese...These dichotomies concentrate on the central character of Grandma. While magical and heartening, the adventure of her younger self (who is also the doppelgänger of Grandson) is fundamentally fragile and cathartic. The fantastical past intertwines with and accentuates the futility and anguish in reality. I also appreciate the play's generous and specific use of Japanese...

    A fantastical, cut-throat interrogation of Japanese Americans' identity formation. Plentiful alienation devices heighten multiple dualities: trauma vs its aftermath, memory vs amnesia, fantasy vs reality, American vs Japanese...These dichotomies concentrate on the central character of Grandma. While magical and heartening, the adventure of her younger self (who is also the doppelgänger of Grandson) is fundamentally fragile and cathartic. The fantastical past intertwines with and accentuates the futility and anguish in reality. I also appreciate the play's generous and specific use of Japanese language, unveiling the exquisite tunes of Japanese culture that resist Americanization and transmute the hero's journey!

  • Jordan Ramirez Puckett: SUPPOSED HOME

    I have loved SUPPOSED HOME from the moment I first read it and my adoration for it only grew when I saw the virtual stage reading at the 2021 Bay Area Playwrights Festival. The legacy of Japanese Concentration Camps is pervasive to this day and Hamashima manages to tell a powerful and personal story about this time through a wholly theatrical lens. This play will make you laugh and cry and demands to be told on stage in front of a live audience as soon as possible.

    I have loved SUPPOSED HOME from the moment I first read it and my adoration for it only grew when I saw the virtual stage reading at the 2021 Bay Area Playwrights Festival. The legacy of Japanese Concentration Camps is pervasive to this day and Hamashima manages to tell a powerful and personal story about this time through a wholly theatrical lens. This play will make you laugh and cry and demands to be told on stage in front of a live audience as soon as possible.

  • Nick Malakhow: SUPPOSED HOME

    A genre-defying, fabulistic piece that navigates a variety of theatrical styles and motifs, and issues both micro and macro level in such a compelling and engaging way. Sam Hamashima creates a distinct theatrical world and their skill in bringing together a variety of threads into a cohesive, aesthetic whole is supreme. I loved the dual narrative focus, as well, on this humorous, heightened fable-like tale from the past and a grandmother and grandson's more immediate and intimate journey through the results of generational, cultural, and familial trauma. This play begs to be staged and soon I...

    A genre-defying, fabulistic piece that navigates a variety of theatrical styles and motifs, and issues both micro and macro level in such a compelling and engaging way. Sam Hamashima creates a distinct theatrical world and their skill in bringing together a variety of threads into a cohesive, aesthetic whole is supreme. I loved the dual narrative focus, as well, on this humorous, heightened fable-like tale from the past and a grandmother and grandson's more immediate and intimate journey through the results of generational, cultural, and familial trauma. This play begs to be staged and soon I hope!

View all 4 recommendations

Character Information

See script for doubling and requirements
    Guard of the camp. Ensures that nobody leaves. Wears a Grecian Mask. His talk is always muffled so he relies on gestures/miming.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
    Cisgender Male
    Shakes its tail to sound like washing rice. Enemy. Was once a yokai like TANUKI, but shed too many skins. Not much is known about this monster.
    Character Age
    Character Gender Identity
    No gender
    Nissei. Creative and strong. Shoujo Magical Girl qualities. Hopeful to a degree. Japanese American.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Japanese American
    Character Gender Identity
    Cisgender Female
    Nissei. Strong-willed. Carries with her a wide range of experiences and opinions. Japanese American.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Japanese American
    Character Gender Identity
    Cisgender Female
  • MR. SUWA
    Issei. Sometimes a cardboard cutout. Japanese American.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Japanese American
    Character Gender Identity
    Cisgender Male
    Issei. Japanese American. Sometimes a Cardboard Cutout.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Japanese American
    Character Gender Identity
    Cisgender Female
    A scrappy yokai focused on surviving. Comedic. Drunk. Anime Sidekick. Japanese American.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Japanese American
    Character Gender Identity
    Cisgender Male
    Joins SHIYOKO to save TANUKI. Comedic. Anime Sidekick. Japanese American.
    Character Age
    Two (in plant years)
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Japanese American
    Character Gender Identity
    Any (but probably Female)
    Yonsei. Pursus knowledge from the previous generations. Naive and, at times, daring. Japanese American.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Japanese American
    Character Gender Identity
    Cisgender Male

Development History
