Sibling Rivalries

by Marcus Scott

"Black excellence is a byproduct of black trauma." Set at a fictional Ivy League school in the years following the Obama Administration, this male-driven political drama follows a diverse group of young black men, all members of a fraternity, who face shifting loyalties and eroded principles when they are forced to compete against one another for a prestigious fellowship. The narrative explores black camaraderie...

"Black excellence is a byproduct of black trauma." Set at a fictional Ivy League school in the years following the Obama Administration, this male-driven political drama follows a diverse group of young black men, all members of a fraternity, who face shifting loyalties and eroded principles when they are forced to compete against one another for a prestigious fellowship. The narrative explores black camaraderie, competitive suffering, race, elitism, male bonding, school bullying, apex predators, homosexuality, machismo, brotherhood and toxic masculinity. This is a play with music (can be performed without music). Developed at Liberation Theatre Company and QuickSilver Theatre Company.

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Sibling Rivalries

Recommended by

  • Shaun Leisher: Sibling Rivalries

    Using Greek life as a backdrop, Scott has crafted an excellent play that explores race and class among college students.

    Using Greek life as a backdrop, Scott has crafted an excellent play that explores race and class among college students.

  • Chima Chikazunga: Sibling Rivalries

    Scott’s play explores trust and friendship within a Black fraternity. Watching this story unfold, the journey of Dorian, Malik, and Brandon as adhere to the pressure of “black excellence,”
    left me wondering how bad does each “ wants it” and at what costs -especially when ones peer is looking to outshine the other. A dark comedy that calls into question politics, ethics, jealousy and betrayal that will keep you guessing til the very end as fraternity brothers are all at war with one another and in their own way feel they’re not Black enough to stand their own ground

    Scott’s play explores trust and friendship within a Black fraternity. Watching this story unfold, the journey of Dorian, Malik, and Brandon as adhere to the pressure of “black excellence,”
    left me wondering how bad does each “ wants it” and at what costs -especially when ones peer is looking to outshine the other. A dark comedy that calls into question politics, ethics, jealousy and betrayal that will keep you guessing til the very end as fraternity brothers are all at war with one another and in their own way feel they’re not Black enough to stand their own ground

  • Lainie Vansant: Sibling Rivalries

    Scott finds a fascinating line between gross-out humor and social commentary in SIBLING RIVALRIES. These boys' exaggerated misadventures are a hilarious train wreck you can't look away from but also represent very real, concrete issues that face not only Black students, but also Black professionals and Black people living in a racist society. Check it out!

    Scott finds a fascinating line between gross-out humor and social commentary in SIBLING RIVALRIES. These boys' exaggerated misadventures are a hilarious train wreck you can't look away from but also represent very real, concrete issues that face not only Black students, but also Black professionals and Black people living in a racist society. Check it out!

View all 5 recommendations

Character Information

Cast black actors: black American, African, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latin, Afro-Asian. Black. Majority of characters are between 18 and 24, save for Dean of College. There is a marked difference in contrast in terms of how students address adults, how boys address boys, how girls address girls, how boys address girls, how upper class treat working class, and how light-skinned persons address dark-skinned persons. Could include others (secretary, students, party guests, etc.) if production so desires.
    (18) Socially awkward, intense, gay wallflower. Gifted, sharp, calculating, shy and unassuming, he is the wittiest and most levelheaded of the boys. Neophyte. Freshman.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Black / African American
    Character Gender Identity
    AMAB or trans-male in casting.
    Afrocentric, star athlete and social climber, has a Machiavellian desire but is effortlessly cool. Pledge Master. Senior.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Black / African-American
    Character Gender Identity
    AMAB or trans-male in casting.
    Proverbial good boy with a tendency to one-up everyone, he is perhaps the most popular student on campus. Very good-looking, a centrist and charming, he’s the friendliest fraternity member. A bro’s bro. Junior.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    African American / Black
    Character Gender Identity
    AMAB or trans-male in casting.
    A Trustafarian from London, he’s rather popular with the ladies but harbors a generally misogynistic outlook. The most immature and arrogant of the boys. Bohemian, snobby, occasionally talks “street.” Sophomore.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Black British
    Character Gender Identity
    AMAB or blending trans-masc in casting.
    Dim-witted and gullible “nice guy” of the house, Sheldon is a legacy kid and the trustworthiest. He doesn’t understand sarcasm, even when he’s being sarcastic. But he is often happy and positive as well as more accepting of the boys. Junior.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    African American / Black
    Character Gender Identity
    AMAB or trans-male in casting.
    Intelligent with a gift for satire, Elijah is the deeply devout Afro-Chicano son of a preacher man, though his sardonic sarcasm (or tone) occasionally causes tension. Senior.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
    AMAB or trans-male in casting.
    A Bahamian military brat who and embraces being a “token.” Headstrong, remorselessly self-indulgent, with a smarmy magnetism. Junior.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Afro - Caribbean
    Character Gender Identity
    AMAB or trans-male in casting.
    Self-assured, sultry, sophisticated and silver-tongued Black American Princess type with a good deal of influence over her peers. Sophomore.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    African American/Black
    Character Gender Identity
    Half-Jewish socialite who may pledge sorority. A striking, pseudo-intellectual Goth girl theatre major looking to cut loose. Freshman.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    bi-racial (black and white)
    Character Gender Identity
    Polished and refined Dean of the Student Affairs and alum of the fraternity, he is a debonair man with a cold, vacant veneer. His personality is the type that gets politicians elected to Congress.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    African American / Black
    Character Gender Identity
    AMAB or trans-male in casting.

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization Egg & Spoon Theatre Company, Year 2023
  • Type Reading, Organization Jersey City Theatre Center, Year 2023
  • Type Reading, Organization Liberation Theatre Company & the cell, Year 2019
  • Type Residency, Organization Liberation Theatre Company, Year 2019


  • Normal Ave's NAPSeries
    Normal Ave
  • Finstrom Festival of New Work
    Zoetic Stages
  • American Dreaming New Play Festival
    Middlebury Acting Company
  • Princess Grace Playwriting Fellowship Award
    New Dramatists
  • Seven Devils Playwrights Conference
    Seven Devils New Play Foundry
  • The Judith Royer Award for Excellence in Playwriting
    Association for Theatre in Higher Education
  • Theatre503 International Playwriting Award
    Honorable Mention
  • Participant
    Campfire Theatre Festival
  • New American Voices Playwriting Festival
    The Landing Theatre Company