Legends of Texas

by Nilsa Reyna

The 2016 presidential election has happened, the holidays are in full swing, and Nancy and Reagan, two sisters on opposite sides of the political spectrum, grieve the death of their father, and wage war over their father’s gun store. Set in the South Texas border town of San Juan, Legends of Texas explores the debate around gun culture and whether some wounds can ever heal.

The 2016 presidential election has happened, the holidays are in full swing, and Nancy and Reagan, two sisters on opposite sides of the political spectrum, grieve the death of their father, and wage war over their father’s gun store. Set in the South Texas border town of San Juan, Legends of Texas explores the debate around gun culture and whether some wounds can ever heal.

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Legends of Texas

Recommended by

  • Iraisa Ann Reilly: Legends of Texas

    Reyna deftly examines the great American gun debate through the microscopic lens of a family divided. Legends of Texas is such a smart and honest portrayal of how gun legislation tears at the seams of one individual family and their struggle to communicate amidst pain and suffering. A timely piece that should be produced as the debate continues to affect American lives and families.

    Reyna deftly examines the great American gun debate through the microscopic lens of a family divided. Legends of Texas is such a smart and honest portrayal of how gun legislation tears at the seams of one individual family and their struggle to communicate amidst pain and suffering. A timely piece that should be produced as the debate continues to affect American lives and families.

  • Maximillian Gill: Legends of Texas

    An intense examination of the nation's wounded psyche reflected in the experience of a specific family. Reyna's piece takes a clear-eyed view of the gun debate, racial politics, and numerous other issues but is never preachy; rather, the topics are examined through the grounded experience of these fully realized characters. The writer treats these lofty themes with a wonderful lightness of technique and wit but does not offer easy solutions. When violence erupts, it is given full weight. These moments are shocking and viscerally unnerving yet fully prepared for. A stunning play.

    An intense examination of the nation's wounded psyche reflected in the experience of a specific family. Reyna's piece takes a clear-eyed view of the gun debate, racial politics, and numerous other issues but is never preachy; rather, the topics are examined through the grounded experience of these fully realized characters. The writer treats these lofty themes with a wonderful lightness of technique and wit but does not offer easy solutions. When violence erupts, it is given full weight. These moments are shocking and viscerally unnerving yet fully prepared for. A stunning play.

  • The PlayGround Experiment: Legends of Texas

    This play took part in "The PG Evolution a development process". We selected it because it is special and we believe 100% in the playwright and their voice. We are proud to be a part of its early journey and cannot recommend it enough. If you have any questions about our experience with this work, please feel free to reach out to us. We love this play and we know you will too.

    This play took part in "The PG Evolution a development process". We selected it because it is special and we believe 100% in the playwright and their voice. We are proud to be a part of its early journey and cannot recommend it enough. If you have any questions about our experience with this work, please feel free to reach out to us. We love this play and we know you will too.

View all 9 recommendations

Character Information

Ms. Hinojosa and Officer Longoria should be played by the same actor.
The cast will portray offstage voices and be featured in store commercials and home videos throughout.
The role of Jaime Cruz is pre-recorded except in the case of a staged reading. The actor may also read the stage directions in this case.
  • Officer Longoria
    Friend of Reagan’s, speaks Tex-Mex Spanglish.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Jaime Cruz
    Pre-Recorded character, proud Texan who grew up as one of the few Mexicans in town. Speaks with a slight Texas accent. Speaks Spanish, but forced to be more American in his early life.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Nancy
    Reagan’s older sister. Speaks Spanish, but mostly when convenient for her. Strong willed liberal.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Reagan
    Nancy’s younger sister. Speaks Spanish, but prefers to embrace being American. Strong willed conservative.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Julie
    Stepmother to Nancy and Reagan. Understands some Spanish.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Asian-Latinx or Mixed Ethnicity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Ben
    Nancy’s high school boyfriend. Understands Spanish and joyfully speaks it to customers. 
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Ms. Hinojosa
    Family friend, wealthy, yet prudent widow. Speaks Tex-Mex Spanglish.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization South Texas Latinx New Play Festival/South Texas College Theatre, Year 2022
  • Type Reading, Organization Latinx Playwrights Circle/Primary Stages, Year 2020
  • Type Reading, Organization Frank Silvera Writers’ Workshop, Year 2017
  • Type Reading, Organization Lone Star Theatre Co., Year 2016


  • 2022 Diverse Voices Playwriting Initiative
    The Crossroads Project/Illinois State University School of Theatre and Dance