by Philip Middleton Williams
Home-Style Cooking at the Gateway Cafe
Recommended by
- Home-Style Cooking at the Gateway Cafe“
- Home-Style Cooking at the Gateway Cafe“
- Home-Style Cooking at the Gateway Cafe“
Character Information
- CelesteOwner of the Gateway CafeCharacter AgeMid-fifties
- EvaCELESTE's daughter.Character AgeMid-thirties
- J.R.CELESTE's son.Character AgeMid-twenties
- LarryLocal guy.Character AgeMid-thirties
- GinaLocalCharacter AgeMid-thirtiesCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityMestiza
- RobbyLocal kid.Character AgeMid-twenties
- TimFormer local, visiting.Character AgeMid-thirties
- RayOut-of-towner.Character AgeMiddle-age.
Development History
- Type Reading, Organization Valdez Theatre Conference, Valdez, Alaska, Year 2021