Rachel O'Hanlon-Rodriguez has written a brilliantly captivating adaptation of the French horror/folktale updated to the present time. In this retelling, Blue Beard (or "B's") partner is told by him that she should never open the door to the basement even though he has given her the key. The central story has all the makings of a classic horror/suspense tale, but the subjects of this play are trauma and abuse inflicted by men and the empowerment of "victims" that must decide to take necessary action. This play approaches it's message with nuance and clever use of tropes.
Rachel O'Hanlon-Rodriguez has written a brilliantly captivating adaptation of the French horror/folktale updated to the present time. In this retelling, Blue Beard (or "B's") partner is told by him that she should never open the door to the basement even though he has given her the key. The central story has all the makings of a classic horror/suspense tale, but the subjects of this play are trauma and abuse inflicted by men and the empowerment of "victims" that must decide to take necessary action. This play approaches it's message with nuance and clever use of tropes.