by Debbie Lamedman
On the Porch
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- On the Porch“
- On the Porch“
Character Information
- SYLVIEApproaching her sixtieth birthday. She has run out of steam, depressed. She is both lonely and wants to isolate. She is trying to come to terms with the changes in her body, and the changes in her life, and the world around her.Character AgeLate 50's-60Character Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityFemale
- JEANSYLVIE’s neighbor. A few years younger in mid to late 50s. JEAN accepts things as they are. She’s not one to ruffle feathers. She doesn’t give any thought to whether or not she is happy. This is the way things are.Character Age50'sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityFemale
Production History
- Type Professional, Year 2021