Two renowned rival jewel thieves, Shrike and Magpie, find themselves face to face (and gunpoint to gunpoint) while going after the same bounty – the priceless Amberly Estate Amber – on the same day. Who will make off with the treasure?
A feisty ten-minute two hander for two women with gadgets, fight scenes, and a surprise romance.
Two renowned rival jewel thieves, Shrike and Magpie, find themselves face to face (and gunpoint to gunpoint) while going after the same bounty – the priceless Amberly Estate Amber – on the same day. Who will make off with the treasure?
A feisty ten-minute two hander for two women with gadgets, fight scenes, and a surprise romance.
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Shrike and Magpie
Recommended by
Jack Seamus Conley:
Shrike and Magpie
by Hayley St. James
A funny, surprising, and charming take on the heist genre (of which there simply isn't enough material in theater). Shrike and Magpie are characters you end up rooting for, with a twist ending to their story that doesn't fail to make you laugh and smile. Another great play by Hayley St. James!
A funny, surprising, and charming take on the heist genre (of which there simply isn't enough material in theater). Shrike and Magpie are characters you end up rooting for, with a twist ending to their story that doesn't fail to make you laugh and smile. Another great play by Hayley St. James!
Claudia Isabel:
Shrike and Magpie
by Hayley St. James
A hilarious, heartwarming, heist play that will leave you with a smile on your face at the end. I've never read anything like it - and it needs to be performed live ASAP!
A hilarious, heartwarming, heist play that will leave you with a smile on your face at the end. I've never read anything like it - and it needs to be performed live ASAP!
Stephen Kaplan:
Shrike and Magpie
by Hayley St. James
A great take on the heist genre that embraces all of the joys of the genre and then bends them to create a satisfying and unique piece. A highlight of our student-directed one act festival.
A great take on the heist genre that embraces all of the joys of the genre and then bends them to create a satisfying and unique piece. A highlight of our student-directed one act festival.