SHADE TREE FOR DADDY - 10-Minute, father introduces son to his real grandfather

by Tom Erb

In the poignant play "Shade Tree for Daddy," a pivotal moment unfolds as Thomas, accompanied by his son George, visits a Veteran's Cemetery to introduce him to his true grandfather for the first time. Until this point, George has been unaware of the truth, believing his grandfather to be Thomas's stepfather. The weight of this revelation stirs deep-seated emotions within Thomas, emotions he has...

In the poignant play "Shade Tree for Daddy," a pivotal moment unfolds as Thomas, accompanied by his son George, visits a Veteran's Cemetery to introduce him to his true grandfather for the first time. Until this point, George has been unaware of the truth, believing his grandfather to be Thomas's stepfather. The weight of this revelation stirs deep-seated emotions within Thomas, emotions he has kept buried for over five decades. Opening up about his suppressed memories proves to be arduous, as Thomas shares his painful recollections for the first time with his son. The memories resurface with intensity, unveiling the emotional turmoil Thomas endured due to his father's actions and mistreatment. These memories are raw, filled with complex emotions and a sense of unforgiving hurt. However, as the encounter unfolds, Thomas realizes that forgiveness is the key to liberating himself from the burdens that have weighed him down for far too long. Through the challenging meeting with his son and exploring their shared past, Thomas discovers the power of forgiveness, allowing him to find solace and freedom from his suppressed emotions.

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SHADE TREE FOR DADDY - 10-Minute, father introduces son to his real grandfather

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  • Daniel Christophiades: SHADE TREE FOR DADDY - 10-Minute, father introduces son to his real grandfather

    Awesome Play! A great story that even though heores have done bad things, they are still human. At least, that's what I got from it.

    Awesome Play! A great story that even though heores have done bad things, they are still human. At least, that's what I got from it.

  • Matthew Alan Craig: SHADE TREE FOR DADDY - 10-Minute, father introduces son to his real grandfather

    Forgiveness can be difficult, especially after so much hurt has been given. Erb has done an excellent job on this piece about forgiveness, family, and dealing with trauma. SHADE TREE FOR DADDY is a true gem, loved the vulnerability in this piece. Great work!

    Forgiveness can be difficult, especially after so much hurt has been given. Erb has done an excellent job on this piece about forgiveness, family, and dealing with trauma. SHADE TREE FOR DADDY is a true gem, loved the vulnerability in this piece. Great work!

  • Debra A. Cole: SHADE TREE FOR DADDY - 10-Minute, father introduces son to his real grandfather

    So many complicated feelings for a man - seen by a hero to many - experienced as a tyrant to those he was supposed to love. TOM ERB has hit on the layers of family that still confuse us to this day.

    So many complicated feelings for a man - seen by a hero to many - experienced as a tyrant to those he was supposed to love. TOM ERB has hit on the layers of family that still confuse us to this day.

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