An electrifying drama that somehow manages to combine gritty realism with magical theatricality, and make it all fit together perfectly. Features a collection of characters lovingly depicted in all their messy humanity, including their foibles and flaws, all their hopes and dashed dreams. The dialogue is dazzling throughout, and the strategically-placed monologues consistently hit home with their power and their poetry. Extremely worthy of wide-spread production. Bravo!
An electrifying drama that somehow manages to combine gritty realism with magical theatricality, and make it all fit together perfectly. Features a collection of characters lovingly depicted in all their messy humanity, including their foibles and flaws, all their hopes and dashed dreams. The dialogue is dazzling throughout, and the strategically-placed monologues consistently hit home with their power and their poetry. Extremely worthy of wide-spread production. Bravo!