I was intrigued from the synopsis and then...the piece just kept on giving. Cassidy draws you into the dark scenario Walter and Morgan have found themselves in but despite the dark nature she still gives moments where you can't help but smile at the back and forth between the two of them. This then escalates brilliantly into a twist that I did not see coming but was just fabulously done! It does beg one question...why is Morgan so prepared? A fabulous piece with great pace that any audience is sure to love!
I was intrigued from the synopsis and then...the piece just kept on giving. Cassidy draws you into the dark scenario Walter and Morgan have found themselves in but despite the dark nature she still gives moments where you can't help but smile at the back and forth between the two of them. This then escalates brilliantly into a twist that I did not see coming but was just fabulously done! It does beg one question...why is Morgan so prepared? A fabulous piece with great pace that any audience is sure to love!