I read The Peculiar Puppets of Philip Platt, so I wanted to read the sequel. I found this one even more touching! Knowing the backstory of Penny's dad, Philip, made this play even more special. I love how the puppets made such a difference for both the dad and the daughter, and that the daughter was named after Philip's lost love. The threads between these two plays are really lovely and shows how tragedy impacts us for the rest of our lives -- sometimes in good ways. I loved both plays!
I read The Peculiar Puppets of Philip Platt, so I wanted to read the sequel. I found this one even more touching! Knowing the backstory of Penny's dad, Philip, made this play even more special. I love how the puppets made such a difference for both the dad and the daughter, and that the daughter was named after Philip's lost love. The threads between these two plays are really lovely and shows how tragedy impacts us for the rest of our lives -- sometimes in good ways. I loved both plays!