In an effort to undo centuries of oppression and mistreatment of Black Americans, a car seller tries to strike a bargain.
Written for 2023's 28 Plays Later
In an effort to undo centuries of oppression and mistreatment of Black Americans, a car seller tries to strike a bargain.
Written for 2023's 28 Plays Later
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Debra A. Cole:
by Adam Richter
According to Forbes magazine, "New Research Shows That Reparation Payments Could Increase Life Expectancy Of Black Americans." If only everyone was as dedicated to a future solution as this seller - misguided or not... at least it's a start to discussions long overdue.
According to Forbes magazine, "New Research Shows That Reparation Payments Could Increase Life Expectancy Of Black Americans." If only everyone was as dedicated to a future solution as this seller - misguided or not... at least it's a start to discussions long overdue.
Toby Malone:
by Adam Richter
The trick about one-minute plays is the ability to jam an entire narrative, backstory, and heart into two pages, which means you're asking the audience to do a ton of work, and the unsaid to do most of the saying. Adam Richter's Reparations speaks to White guilt and an attempt to undo the sins of the past through a gesture for the future. And while "it doesn't work like that," it's the small gesture that has the potential to add to other small gestures to create something bigger. The final moment is particularly striking. Nice work.
The trick about one-minute plays is the ability to jam an entire narrative, backstory, and heart into two pages, which means you're asking the audience to do a ton of work, and the unsaid to do most of the saying. Adam Richter's Reparations speaks to White guilt and an attempt to undo the sins of the past through a gesture for the future. And while "it doesn't work like that," it's the small gesture that has the potential to add to other small gestures to create something bigger. The final moment is particularly striking. Nice work.