Plan-B Theatre

About the Organization

Since 1991, Plan-B has developed and produced unique and socially conscious theatre created by Utah playwrights.

We are anti-racist and anti-racism.

We share stories with a local point-of-view as well as global stories from a local perspective.

We nourish a pool of local playwrights to rival that found in any other city in the country: we develop relationships with playwrights rather than plays.

We serve our community by reflecting it onstage.

We are the only professional theatre company in...

Since 1991, Plan-B has developed and produced unique and socially conscious theatre created by Utah playwrights.

We are anti-racist and anti-racism.

We share stories with a local point-of-view as well as global stories from a local perspective.

We nourish a pool of local playwrights to rival that found in any other city in the country: we develop relationships with playwrights rather than plays.

We serve our community by reflecting it onstage.

We are the only professional theatre company in the United States producing full seasons of new work by local playwrights. We are also the only theatre company in Utah history to have toured coast-to-coast, to have toured internationally and to have transferred an intact production off-Broadway. We are also the only Utah theatre company committed to producing at least one play of LGBTQ interest each season.

We have produced nearly 100 world premieres, including Utah’s first by African American, Asian American, Latina and Persian playwrights. Nationally, five of these plays have been nominated for the American Theatre Critics Association/Steinberg Award for Best New American Play Produced Outside New York, four have enjoyed extended lives in New York and two have been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for Drama.

All company decisions are mission-based and reflect our commitment to gender parity, representation and inclusion.

The Free Elementary School Tour (FEST), launched in 2013, offers free, in-school performances to K-6 students across Utah each season. In 2019, FEST became part of Professional Outreach Programs in the Schools (POPS), partially funded by the Utah State Legislature and administered by the Utah State Board of Education.

The Lab, launched in 2008, is a community of 11 established playwrights that allows us to build relationships with playwrights rather than plays.

The Script-In-Hand Series, launched in 2004, features free staged readings of plays-in-progress.

The Theatre Artists of Color Writing Workshop, launched in 2017, is a community of nine first-time playwrights of color.

Plan-B is the proud recipient of many awards, including:
– Parent Artist Advocacy League (PAAL) Award (2018)
– International Center for Women Playwrights 50/50 Applause Award (2016, 2017, 2018)
– Utah’s Governor’s Organization Leadership in the Arts Award (2015)
– Salt Lake City’s Mayor’s Artist Award for Service to the Arts by an Organization (2015)
– Best Drama, United Solo Theatre Festival, New York for (ERIC(A) by Matthew Ivan Bennett, 2013)
– Transgender Education Advocates of Utah’s Organization of the Year (2013)
– Human Rights Campaign’s Equality Award – Organization (2011)
– Transgender Education Advocates of Utah’s Organization of the Year (2010)
– Equality Utah’s Allies for Equality Award – Organization (2007)