Call Him Mom!

Right here and now. Mel, a 55-year-old trans female to male is finding his joy. His family is adjusting to yet again another change in his journey. He tells his kids to call him mom. I told my kids they could still call me mom. If calling me mom could somehow create a space for them to be comfortable with me. With where I am. Then, that’s fine with me. Mom it is. Call Him Mom is one man’s story, like so many...
Right here and now. Mel, a 55-year-old trans female to male is finding his joy. His family is adjusting to yet again another change in his journey. He tells his kids to call him mom. I told my kids they could still call me mom. If calling me mom could somehow create a space for them to be comfortable with me. With where I am. Then, that’s fine with me. Mom it is. Call Him Mom is one man’s story, like so many about gender, family, community, and a search for self.
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Call Him Mom!

Recommended by

  • Asher Wyndham:
    18 Oct. 2018
    A beautiful reminder that the memory of childhood, the joy of being a kid, can make you stronger as an adult, it can transform you, give you the energy to live truthfully. Poetic, poignant, a monologue for a trans male that deserves productions at your LGBTQ or trans-themed festival.
  • Jordan Elizabeth Henry:
    30 Apr. 2018
    Another beautiful, thoughtful, considered short by Sandra Daley-Sharif. I fell in love with Mel instantly, and that feeling of connection only grew throughout the monologue. I love the balance struck here between aging into your self/your identity, and finding that part of you was there all along. There's something here about growing older and younger simultaneously, and it's truly lovely and poetic. This would make a great audition piece.

Production History

  • Professional
    Sandra A. Daley-Sharif