Do we feel a little sorry for poor Prince Charming? So handsome, so clichéd, so shallow, so DUMB. Poor schmuck just wants his story to turn out right and sassy, independent Princess refuses to play along. Rachel Feeny-Williams turns the tables on her title's cliché with verve, wit, and economy. But just as Princess has her woodsman waiting, so Prince Charming can always find the Duchess he cares about just as much (or as little) as he cared about Princess.
Do we feel a little sorry for poor Prince Charming? So handsome, so clichéd, so shallow, so DUMB. Poor schmuck just wants his story to turn out right and sassy, independent Princess refuses to play along. Rachel Feeny-Williams turns the tables on her title's cliché with verve, wit, and economy. But just as Princess has her woodsman waiting, so Prince Charming can always find the Duchess he cares about just as much (or as little) as he cared about Princess.