by Donna Hoke
Anyone Can Be Santa
Recommended by
- Anyone Can Be Santa“
- Anyone Can Be Santa“
- Anyone Can Be Santa“
Character Information
- Felt Santafelt suit, no padding
Character AgeanyCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityMale - Girl Santacute, but not suggestive, Santa outfitCharacter Age20s-40sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityFemale
- New Santacrap Santa hat, jeans, red T-shirt, combatsCharacter AgeanyCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityMale
- Plush Santaplush, awesome beard, padding--real deal
Character AgeanyCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityMale