PAPA'S WORLD SERIES - one-act, grandson encounter with deceased grandfather and their memory of 1960 World Series

by Tom Erb

"Papa's World Series" captures the magic of baseball as a backdrop for a heartwarming intergenerational tale. Through the lens of Tommy's innocent perspective, the play explores themes of family, hero worship, and the timeless bond between grandparent and grandchild. As Tommy witnesses the triumphs and challenges on the baseball diamond, he also learns valuable life lessons about resilience...

"Papa's World Series" captures the magic of baseball as a backdrop for a heartwarming intergenerational tale. Through the lens of Tommy's innocent perspective, the play explores themes of family, hero worship, and the timeless bond between grandparent and grandchild. As Tommy witnesses the triumphs and challenges on the baseball diamond, he also learns valuable life lessons about resilience, teamwork, and the power of dreams. With rich characters and a nostalgic setting, "Papa's World Series" transports audiences to a bygone era, reminding them of the indelible memories created through shared experiences and the lasting impact of cherished relationships. The play celebrates baseball's enduring legacy and its profound connections among generations.

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PAPA'S WORLD SERIES - one-act, grandson encounter with deceased grandfather and their memory of 1960 World Series

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  • Mike Byham: PAPA'S WORLD SERIES - one-act, grandson encounter with deceased grandfather and their memory of 1960 World Series

    Tom Erb's PAPA'S WORLD SERIES is a march down memory lane - especially those of us with Pittsburgh roots having spent time at Forbes Field. It's not an entirely happy parade though as disturbing family secrets are revealed and digested. Are we dealing with a ghost? Or perhaps Tommy is navigating a conversation with an inner voice? Either way - this is an effective piece highlighting the power of reminiscence. Very stageable.

    Tom Erb's PAPA'S WORLD SERIES is a march down memory lane - especially those of us with Pittsburgh roots having spent time at Forbes Field. It's not an entirely happy parade though as disturbing family secrets are revealed and digested. Are we dealing with a ghost? Or perhaps Tommy is navigating a conversation with an inner voice? Either way - this is an effective piece highlighting the power of reminiscence. Very stageable.