Blood & Sequins

FULL LENGTH: When the most popular kids from Salem High School find themselves in an abandoned mansion on prom night, it doesn't take them long to realize they've been caught in an elaborate revenge prank. But things move from annoying to terrifying when a girl drops dead from a poisoned Capri Sun. Locked in, they're forced to figure out who among them is the killer, or end up just as much a...
FULL LENGTH: When the most popular kids from Salem High School find themselves in an abandoned mansion on prom night, it doesn't take them long to realize they've been caught in an elaborate revenge prank. But things move from annoying to terrifying when a girl drops dead from a poisoned Capri Sun. Locked in, they're forced to figure out who among them is the killer, or end up just as much a goner. A night to remember? More like a night they won't ever be able to forget.
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Blood & Sequins

Development History

  • Workshop
    University of Utah

Production History

  • High School
    Utica High School