This is an ambitious short play, serving as an omnibus of scenes that extend the previous 9 plays in Nora Louise Syran's "The Twelve Days of Christmas in France" series. While it would be a challenge to stage, it would be a lot of fun for actors an audiences to see how the characters' lives extend beyond just those few moments we spent with them earlier.
"Ten Lords a Leaping" is the linchpin of the series and makes it a collection that must be performed together in a single sitting.
This is an ambitious short play, serving as an omnibus of scenes that extend the previous 9 plays in Nora Louise Syran's "The Twelve Days of Christmas in France" series. While it would be a challenge to stage, it would be a lot of fun for actors an audiences to see how the characters' lives extend beyond just those few moments we spent with them earlier.
"Ten Lords a Leaping" is the linchpin of the series and makes it a collection that must be performed together in a single sitting.