Light through the Cellar Door
by Barbara Hume
This one act family drama, both historic and topical, is set in 1989 in St. Louis as a state supreme court ruling titled “William Webster vs. Reproductive Health Services” jeopardizes female reproductive health by ending state funding for women’s clinics in St. Louis. Three generations of women struggle with their past choices and current challenges surrounding their own reproductive history. In this family, a...
This one act family drama, both historic and topical, is set in 1989 in St. Louis as a state supreme court ruling titled “William Webster vs. Reproductive Health Services” jeopardizes female reproductive health by ending state funding for women’s clinics in St. Louis. Three generations of women struggle with their past choices and current challenges surrounding their own reproductive history. In this family, a passionate crisis of disparate viewpoints reveals the strength it takes to be vulnerable with those we love.
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