“A Murder of Crows,” by Lee Richard Lawing, revolves around a couple in their late 60s or early 70s, grappling with the presence of an unconventional piece of art in their kitchen. Aaron's frustration with the crow light is both comical and relatable, while Caroline's laid-back attitude adds a layer of balance to the narrative. The play touches on themes of art, relationships, and the clash between personal preferences. It cleverly delves into the subjective nature of art and the impact it can have on individuals.
“A Murder of Crows,” by Lee Richard Lawing, revolves around a couple in their late 60s or early 70s, grappling with the presence of an unconventional piece of art in their kitchen. Aaron's frustration with the crow light is both comical and relatable, while Caroline's laid-back attitude adds a layer of balance to the narrative. The play touches on themes of art, relationships, and the clash between personal preferences. It cleverly delves into the subjective nature of art and the impact it can have on individuals.