11PM Bus to Fargo

by Emily Yuko Walborn

It’s 11PM and Rei sits alone at the bus station. She’s leaving town, but before she goes, she wants to talk to her best friend Marla one more time. They deserve a proper goodbye. As night goes on, Rei slips into the conversations, arguments, and final moments of her friendship. Will she really leave town for good this time or is this just another ploy to get Marla back?

It’s 11PM and Rei sits alone at the bus station. She’s leaving town, but before she goes, she wants to talk to her best friend Marla one more time. They deserve a proper goodbye. As night goes on, Rei slips into the conversations, arguments, and final moments of her friendship. Will she really leave town for good this time or is this just another ploy to get Marla back?

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11PM Bus to Fargo

Character Information

2 F
  • Rei
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Asian American
    Character Gender Identity
  • Marla
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Any Race
    Character Gender Identity

Production History

  • Type University, Organization University of Manchester, Year 2022