THE GREEKS HAD A THING FOR THE LETTER P: Phaeton, Prometheus & Pandora, Persephone

(Frame story under development for a full length TYA play) Poor bullied and fatherless Phaeton visits his father Phoebus Apollo in the Palace of the Sun and takes his car of fire out for a spin... Defying Zeus, Prometheus gives fire to his human creations and as punishment ends up with Ethon the Eagle who doesn't care much for liver... Eros, the son of the vain goddess Aphrodite, has shot an arrow at the...
(Frame story under development for a full length TYA play) Poor bullied and fatherless Phaeton visits his father Phoebus Apollo in the Palace of the Sun and takes his car of fire out for a spin... Defying Zeus, Prometheus gives fire to his human creations and as punishment ends up with Ethon the Eagle who doesn't care much for liver... Eros, the son of the vain goddess Aphrodite, has shot an arrow at the Lord of the Underworld, Hades, who has fallen in love with Demeter’s daughter, Persephone, and taken her down into the Underworld with him. What possible good will come of this?
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THE GREEKS HAD A THING FOR THE LETTER P: Phaeton, Prometheus & Pandora, Persephone

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  • Janine Sobeck Knighton:
    22 Mar. 2024
    A great glimpse into what promises to be an engaging project that introduces Greek mythology - including all the flaws and foibles of the gods and goddesses that shape our classic narratives - to a school age cast. The flexibility in casting will be a great boon to school directors who are striving to provide opportunities for as many students as possible.
  • Christopher Soucy:
    28 Nov. 2022
    Greek mythology is a tangled mess of betrayals and betrothals. Nora Louise Syran gives us a breakneck paced sampling of some of the most enduring tales from the ancient Greeks. Enjoyable and easily digestible, this is a great intro to the material for school aged audiences!