The Frogs' Revenge

by Nora Louise Syran

(5-8 minutes) A cafe/restaurant near a swampy, marsh filled with frogs.
A Glutton sits eating plate after plate of frogs' legs.

#tpcmonthlyprompt prompt: Haunted Cafe

(5-8 minutes) A cafe/restaurant near a swampy, marsh filled with frogs.
A Glutton sits eating plate after plate of frogs' legs.

#tpcmonthlyprompt prompt: Haunted Cafe

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The Frogs' Revenge

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  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: The Frogs' Revenge

    This feels like a mix of a Monty Python sketch and a Twilight Zone episode. With a little of Chekov's THE SNEEZE thrown in for good measure! A very atmospheric scene that will be great for a design team to execute as well as some great physical choreography!

    This feels like a mix of a Monty Python sketch and a Twilight Zone episode. With a little of Chekov's THE SNEEZE thrown in for good measure! A very atmospheric scene that will be great for a design team to execute as well as some great physical choreography!

  • Charles Scott Jones: The Frogs' Revenge

    For a short play that uses sound - the cacophonous symphony of frogs in a pond near a French Restaurant - to create unease - THE FROG’S REVENGE by Nora Louise Syran is hard to beat. For its brutal and sensual efficacy and deep resonances, it reminds me of Artaud’s Theater of Cruelty. I will now have even a harder time someday trying leg of frog. Terrific work!

    For a short play that uses sound - the cacophonous symphony of frogs in a pond near a French Restaurant - to create unease - THE FROG’S REVENGE by Nora Louise Syran is hard to beat. For its brutal and sensual efficacy and deep resonances, it reminds me of Artaud’s Theater of Cruelty. I will now have even a harder time someday trying leg of frog. Terrific work!

  • Rand Higbee: The Frogs' Revenge

    Having gotten to know Nora a bit on Facebook, I decided it was time to check out some of her writing. "The Frog's Revenge" sounded like a fun, quick place to start. And it is exactly that: Fun and quick. Any actor would have a blast playing the Glutton here, proving you definitely are what you eat! I will have to read more of Nora's work.

    Having gotten to know Nora a bit on Facebook, I decided it was time to check out some of her writing. "The Frog's Revenge" sounded like a fun, quick place to start. And it is exactly that: Fun and quick. Any actor would have a blast playing the Glutton here, proving you definitely are what you eat! I will have to read more of Nora's work.

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