TEE-SING - 10-Minute, golf-themed drama that explores the complexities of relationships, secrets, and rivalry among golfers

by Tom Erb

"Tee-Sing" is a golf-themed drama that explores the complexities of relationships, secrets, and rivalry among golfers. The story revolves around Rory, a talented and ambitious golfer engaged to Lisa, a lawyer. However, Rory harbors a secret love for Cindy, the wife of Phil, a skilled golfer known for his antics. John, a veteran golfer and friend to Rory and Phil, adds wisdom and a calm demeanor...

"Tee-Sing" is a golf-themed drama that explores the complexities of relationships, secrets, and rivalry among golfers. The story revolves around Rory, a talented and ambitious golfer engaged to Lisa, a lawyer. However, Rory harbors a secret love for Cindy, the wife of Phil, a skilled golfer known for his antics. John, a veteran golfer and friend to Rory and Phil, adds wisdom and a calm demeanor. The plot unfolds during a high-stakes tournament as tensions rise, secrets are revealed, and forgiveness is sought.

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TEE-SING - 10-Minute, golf-themed drama that explores the complexities of relationships, secrets, and rivalry among golfers