Horsegirl & Cowdaddy

by DJ Hills

Horsegirl, a trans woman in her thirties, lives a life of routine alongside her father, Cowdaddy, in a forgotten town in Southern Pennsylvania—until she falls in love with Bethel, a new-to-town teacher with a goal of improving the lives of everyone they meet. Over the course of their summer romance, Bethel physically transforms Horsegirl into the person (or thing) they want her to be. Cowdaddy’s attempts to pull...

Horsegirl, a trans woman in her thirties, lives a life of routine alongside her father, Cowdaddy, in a forgotten town in Southern Pennsylvania—until she falls in love with Bethel, a new-to-town teacher with a goal of improving the lives of everyone they meet. Over the course of their summer romance, Bethel physically transforms Horsegirl into the person (or thing) they want her to be. Cowdaddy’s attempts to pull his daughter back to him leads to an explosive confrontation, in the wake of which Horsegirl must decide for herself what a happy life looks like.

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Horsegirl & Cowdaddy

Character Information

  • Horsegirl
    Character Age
    Character Gender Identity
  • Cowdaddy
    Character Age
    Character Gender Identity
    Cis Man
  • Bethel
    Character Age
    Character Gender Identity

Development History
