George Washington Ate My Homework

Newly released by Pioneer Drama Service!

All Junie wanted to do was show her friends the cool time machine in the lab where she works after school. Can she help it if Warner—careless, clumsy Warner—accidentally pushed the red button that clearly said DO NOT PUSH and, as a result, timeported George Washington ~into the twenty-first century?

Well, at least they can timeport him back...
Newly released by Pioneer Drama Service!

All Junie wanted to do was show her friends the cool time machine in the lab where she works after school. Can she help it if Warner—careless, clumsy Warner—accidentally pushed the red button that clearly said DO NOT PUSH and, as a result, timeported George Washington ~into the twenty-first century?

Well, at least they can timeport him back, right? Wrong. As soon as they send Washington on his way, they discover that the hamburger restaurant upstairs has turned into a fish-and-chip shop. That's when they realize that the time machine must have sent Washington to the wrong time and place. With the commander of the Continental Army disappearing from history, the British were able to crush the American Revolution almost before it started. Now America is back to being British!

The three friends desperately try to fix the situation, but everything they do only makes things worse. Before long, they've timeported a whole host of famous historical figures into the present day, including Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Albert Einstein, Florence Nightingale, H. G. Wells, computer pioneer Grace Hopper, and those nastiest of pirates, Anne Bonny and Mary Read. Worst of all, they still haven't figured out how to send them back!

Combining wacky humor, fast-paced action, and a chance for the audience to choose the ending by voting for their favorite historical figure, this easy-to-produce, single-set play is as sure to inspire as it is to delight. Plus, your audience might just learn a thing or two.

Run Time: 65-70 minutes
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George Washington Ate My Homework