Ghost Stories

In this play, a family is telling spooky campfire stories. But, the various stories reveal we are all truly haunted by “ghosts”, in many forms. Our stories bring us together, as well as tear us apart, for, ultimately, there is no scarier story than that of our hidden ghost. My play shifts among different time periods, using the idea of time differently. And, the split stage, where one side, the "campfire...
In this play, a family is telling spooky campfire stories. But, the various stories reveal we are all truly haunted by “ghosts”, in many forms. Our stories bring us together, as well as tear us apart, for, ultimately, there is no scarier story than that of our hidden ghost. My play shifts among different time periods, using the idea of time differently. And, the split stage, where one side, the "campfire" side, and one side the "story" side, exists, uses space differently.
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Ghost Stories

Recommended by

  • Greg Lam:
    18 Jun. 2017
    Despite the title, this is not a supernatural horror story but an examination of secrets in an extended family spanning decades and continents, as events in the present day America have echoes in wartime Europe. There are some truly chilling revelations contained within and an expansive canvas created through staging and poetic language. Hear an excerpt on the play with playwright interview here:
  • Stephen Kaplan:
    16 Jun. 2017
    The poetry in the language of this play makes it feel like dreams do - often terrifying, often totally clear, often frustratingly elusive but then you catch a glimpse of the truth and you hold on hard. This play captures all of these elements and forces its reader and audience to let go and sail along exploring time, space, and memory.

Development History

  • Workshop
    Writer's workshop, Unit PlayLab Masters Class at Company One Theatre


Eugene O'Neill National Playwrights Conference
Eugene O'Neill Theater Center