An outstanding historical drama, Adrienne Earle Pender’s “N” tells of the groundbreaking casting of Charles Gilpin in Eugene O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones. The play offers rich characters and compelling discussion of race and theater. Are a playwright’s words sacred? Is theater truly collaborative or are there power dynamics at play, especially when race is an issue? One hundred years after Gilpin’s Broadway debut, we are still seeing many firsts when it comes to African-American and other minority recognition in the arts. This is great theater worthy of many more productions!
An outstanding historical drama, Adrienne Earle Pender’s “N” tells of the groundbreaking casting of Charles Gilpin in Eugene O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones. The play offers rich characters and compelling discussion of race and theater. Are a playwright’s words sacred? Is theater truly collaborative or are there power dynamics at play, especially when race is an issue? One hundred years after Gilpin’s Broadway debut, we are still seeing many firsts when it comes to African-American and other minority recognition in the arts. This is great theater worthy of many more productions!