Philip Middleton Williams: Prior Engagements

If Max Berry's "Prior Engagement" is any guide, talking things out with friends and "friends" is the most dangerous way to communicate your true feelings. The dialogue is snappy, genuine, and achingly real for anyone who has ever tried to have a serious conversation with someone they thought they knew. This is a tense yet rollicking play, and it would be a great piece for three actors to take on, and the audience will be engaged by watching and seeing what happens.

If Max Berry's "Prior Engagement" is any guide, talking things out with friends and "friends" is the most dangerous way to communicate your true feelings. The dialogue is snappy, genuine, and achingly real for anyone who has ever tried to have a serious conversation with someone they thought they knew. This is a tense yet rollicking play, and it would be a great piece for three actors to take on, and the audience will be engaged by watching and seeing what happens.