Recommendations of THE BUTCHER

  • Sanjit Sengupta: THE BUTCHER

    An engaging script that leaves us hopeful for better understanding between people of different faiths and cultures in a divided America. The confusion of immigrants, whether to retain their cultural and religious identity, or assimilate into the dominant culture, and the confused reaction of native-born Americans towards immigrants is portrayed in an authentic manner. Great read!

    An engaging script that leaves us hopeful for better understanding between people of different faiths and cultures in a divided America. The confusion of immigrants, whether to retain their cultural and religious identity, or assimilate into the dominant culture, and the confused reaction of native-born Americans towards immigrants is portrayed in an authentic manner. Great read!

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: THE BUTCHER

    An incredibly moving play about our divided world, how we misunderstand each other and fail to listen to each other, how separate we are in our beliefs, and how hard it is to find common ground. The Butcher brings five richly-drawn characters together to provoke us theatrically through storytelling; we are all better off for the experience. Read it! Produce it! Discuss!

    An incredibly moving play about our divided world, how we misunderstand each other and fail to listen to each other, how separate we are in our beliefs, and how hard it is to find common ground. The Butcher brings five richly-drawn characters together to provoke us theatrically through storytelling; we are all better off for the experience. Read it! Produce it! Discuss!

  • Noelle Viñas: THE BUTCHER

    I read this play years ago, drawn to it partially because I grew up in Springfield, VA. It moved me deeply - it is a heartfelt and truthful story about faith and community. Four years after reading it, every time I walk by a halal shop I think of this play: that is the kind of lasting impact it had. Thank you, Gwydion.

    I read this play years ago, drawn to it partially because I grew up in Springfield, VA. It moved me deeply - it is a heartfelt and truthful story about faith and community. Four years after reading it, every time I walk by a halal shop I think of this play: that is the kind of lasting impact it had. Thank you, Gwydion.

  • Doug DeVita: THE BUTCHER

    This is a stunning work of art. At times terrifying, often heart breaking, always thought provoking, and ultimately: beautifully hopeful.

    This is a stunning work of art. At times terrifying, often heart breaking, always thought provoking, and ultimately: beautifully hopeful.

  • Joe Carlson: THE BUTCHER

    An astonishment. The architecture then construction of this play is flawless. Each character, each action, each reaction, is part of a carefully calculated schemata effectively increasing dramatic suspense with each and every turn of the screw. Five characters speak in five unique voices that define them but also likely confuse others. Both wives, both husbands, are somewhat alike, but still divided by differences. All religions seem odd to other religions: sacred oddities that cannot be transgressed. Rapture? Insanity? Belief? Delusion? Sacrament? Sin? Fanatics? Saints? Yes, the play is a...

    An astonishment. The architecture then construction of this play is flawless. Each character, each action, each reaction, is part of a carefully calculated schemata effectively increasing dramatic suspense with each and every turn of the screw. Five characters speak in five unique voices that define them but also likely confuse others. Both wives, both husbands, are somewhat alike, but still divided by differences. All religions seem odd to other religions: sacred oddities that cannot be transgressed. Rapture? Insanity? Belief? Delusion? Sacrament? Sin? Fanatics? Saints? Yes, the play is a challenge: good, we need more such challenges. Thank you, Gwydion Suilebhan.

  • Patricia Milton: THE BUTCHER

    Fascinating and thought-provoking work about people of faith. A rare theatrical experience, to be sure. No easy answers, but the questions will keep you engaged throughout the play, and long after.

    Fascinating and thought-provoking work about people of faith. A rare theatrical experience, to be sure. No easy answers, but the questions will keep you engaged throughout the play, and long after.

  • Asher Wyndham: THE BUTCHER

    A play that cuts deep emotionally and intellectually. The difference between authenticity and fake in respects to faith is examined, as well as belief versus hope, reason versus craziness. The playwright cuts deep into these characters like a butcher with a knife. Characters that I haven't seen on the page and stage are brought together in this satisfying play.

    A play that cuts deep emotionally and intellectually. The difference between authenticity and fake in respects to faith is examined, as well as belief versus hope, reason versus craziness. The playwright cuts deep into these characters like a butcher with a knife. Characters that I haven't seen on the page and stage are brought together in this satisfying play.

  • Nancy Gall-Clayton: THE BUTCHER

    A beautifully written play that explores issues of faith and honor in a most compelling way. I will be thinking about the characters and their intriguing journeys for a long while. I look forward to seeing this play on stage.

    A beautifully written play that explores issues of faith and honor in a most compelling way. I will be thinking about the characters and their intriguing journeys for a long while. I look forward to seeing this play on stage.

  • Renee Calarco: THE BUTCHER

    THE BUTCHER is both sharply intellectual and wrenchingly emotional. It's a stunning exploration of faith. And it needs to be produced everywhere.

    THE BUTCHER is both sharply intellectual and wrenchingly emotional. It's a stunning exploration of faith. And it needs to be produced everywhere.

  • Catherine Castellani: THE BUTCHER

    The interactions in The Butcher are unexpected in the best way. The story pulled me through, never letting me get ahead of it or finish anybody's sentence. The Butcher respects its audience along with its characters and the conversation it starts is all the richer for that.

    The interactions in The Butcher are unexpected in the best way. The story pulled me through, never letting me get ahead of it or finish anybody's sentence. The Butcher respects its audience along with its characters and the conversation it starts is all the richer for that.